18 Slide PowerPoint on Nutrition

Create a 18 slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation discussing the nutritional needs during an infant (age 0-3) life stage.

Content: Include the following in your presentation:

  •  Define nutrient, energy, and fluid needs during the selected life stage.
  •  Identify nutrients needs during the life stage and how these nutrients can be obtained.
  • Provide good and bad choices nutritional choices.
  •  Identify physical activity recommendations during the life stage.
  •  Discuss the health concerns or diseases associated with poor nutrients during the life stage
  • Provide a list resources that can assist in making healthy choices, including one local resource.

Slides: Create a 18 slide Microsoft PowerPoint or Prezi presentation. Include a title slide, introduction, content, conclusion, and a references slide.

  • Include relevant images, graphs, charts and media clips specific to your life stage. Avoid overemphasis on Clip Art.
  • Speaker notes in paragraph form that detail the implications of each slide..

Citations & References: a minimum of three references the course text and two additional references. All presentations must have a reference slide adhering to APA format. Relevant images should be included and cited.