Week 1 Assignment HRM635



The purpose of unit assignments is to broaden your comprehension of the unit material. The unit assignments provide an opportunity for you to explore areas that might benefit your own organization or studies and also help you broaden your exposure to the different elements of training and development.

Unit Learning Outcomes

  • ULO 1.1 Interpret and explain the role of the environmental and organizational context of training and development.
  • ULO 1.2 Describe the link between training and development with the other functions of human resources.
  • ULO 1.3 Evaluate relevant scholarly research and synthesize research to complete required assignments.


Identify an organization that supports training and development (e.g., ATD) in your industry. Conduct scholarly research on this organization and write an analysis (2 pages minimum) where you describe the association, type of information that can be obtained from this organization, how this organization can benefit your own workplace, and where the organization might fall short. Please note that this isnt simply copying and pasting information from the organizations web site. You should synthesize the information you find and present in your own words. All work should follow APA (7thedition) formatting standards. Review the grading rubric for expectations.