I need help with Discussion question.

The C suite may be getting a bit more crowded in more companies. A call for a new top management position  signals the significance of customer experience in marketing: Chief Experience Officer (CXO).The article  outlines how a CXO position can align the needs of customers and employees.

  • After reading the article, do you believe that the Chief Experience Officer is a top management position that we will see more often in organization charts in the future? Or, is the CXO position an interesting concept but will not gain traction across organizations? Explain your position.

  • Approach is to give an answer to a topic’s question or discussion prompt
  • Should be at least 200 words in length
  • Incorporate at least one information source into an answer post. The aim is to bring objectivity or support to positions taken. Answer posts are not purely opinion pieces.
  • Source should be cited in the text of your answer post to signal to readers how the source was used.
  • Source should be fully cited at the end of the post. APA style is recommended.
  • Click “Start a New Thread” to make an answer post.
  • Title your post in a way that summarizes content or position taken.
  • Sign your post with your first name at the end of your text and before source citation. (- Pramod)
  • When composing answer post, strive to incorporate relevant concepts or theories from assigned readings (it is a criterion on the rubric used to evaluate discussion posts).
  • Virtually all discussion prompts require you take a position or express a view as part of your answer post. Evidence of critical thinking that supports your response is another element of the grading rubric.
  • Writing style to strive to use should strike a balance between formal and conversational style.
  • Answer posts are due by 11:59 p.m. on the closing date for a forum.