coding interview + 3 pages reflection paper

1 # Coding the attached transcript by following the 4 steps below: 

2#  Write 3 pages reflection about the interview and the coding experience. 

3# You have the full transcription for an interview in the attachment; you will use Boeijes chapter 6 as a guide for coding the transcript following these step 

# Stage 1 

Read all the text rapidly through towards the end of the transcript.

Begin to formulate ideas

a. What is the case or interview about?

Look for the major themes. What is going on in the transcripts?

# Stage 2 

Read again; this time, take your time as you read through the transcript.

Mark the text (underline, circle, highlight).

Make notes in the margins.

Label with codes (Concepts and Categories).

Level One Concepts, master headings (teaching approach)

Level Two Categories or subheadings (interactive)

#Stage 3 

Systematically mark the text

Indicate what chunks of text are about themes (describe an integrating, relational idea from the data).

Review Codes

Eliminate repetition of similar codes (combine)

Think of groupings

# Stage 4 

Coding is only part of the analysis

Add your interpretations (reflection, no more than 3 pages)

Identify significance for responses

Interconnections between codes (charts & diagrams)

Relation of codes to research questions