- The information should contain relevant information about the program. Students should reflect an understanding of the topics addressed in each module in a parent-friendly language.
Purpose: This assignment aims to help students understand major theories of early childhood education that include the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development of young children. Please review the that will be used in grading this assignment.
Write the school philosophy containing:
- Name of the school
- Theoretical foundations and rationale of school philosophy (300 words)
- Mission statement (50)
- Vision statement (50)
- School philosophy based on theoretical foundations of the program and a rationale for selecting this program (300 words)
Write a program description including:
- The role of the teacher, the parents, the children, and the environment in connection with school philosophy (150 words)
- Program or curriculum (150 words)
- How the program meets developmentally appropriate practices (DAP) (150 words)
Describe the environment:
- Materials and room arrangement connected with school philosophy
- Explain how materials and room arrangements support childrens learning
Explain discipline policy:
- Discipline policy should be connected with school philosophy. You might want to read Bredekamp chapter 14 (150-300 words)