ProMED Summary #2

Post your second ProMED Summary in this forum. Please copy your summary into the message box. Also, attach the word document of the summary. Post two responses to peers by end of day on March 28th.

Only use reputable sources (.edu, .gov, .org). This means Wikipedia is not to be used as a source for this assignment.

Hello class,

Below are the ProMED assignment tips. 

Step 1: Review the instructions in the syllabus and view the rubric and sample ProMED paper. The rubric and sample ProMED paper can be found under “Modules” link, scroll down to “course documents” and you will find these papers. 

Step 2: Then, go to the ProMED mail site ( The link can also be found under module 2 under “ProMED-mail Site.”

Step 3: From this site, select any article of your choice. 

Step 4: Proceed with your paper, and post to the discussion board under “ProMED 1.” 

Step 5: The following Sunday, March 7th, post 2 peer responses. 

The important components of the ProMEDs are: 

1) APA format-

2) Discuss and describe the disease itself. For example, if the article discusses an outbreak of mumps in Johnson County, Texas-write a 1-2 paragraph summary about mumps (transmission, treatment options (if any), incubation period, etc). 

3) Discuss the environment. The outbreak of mumps occurred in Johnson County. Discuss the population that was affected by this outbreak. 

4) Word requirement is at least 600.

5) Summarize the article you selected.