Health Care Managaement Question



Read Chapter 8 – Organizational Ethics and the Law.

Discuss what recourse the employee has when faced with discriminatory practices, both within the corporation (e.g. register a complaint with the organization’s human resource department and/or compliance officer? And outside the corporation (e.g. file a complaint with the Department of Labor).

Such activities raise both legal (e.g. interpretation of the law) and ethical issues (e.g. nonmaleficence and the principle of justice). Discuss the issues.

Use terms and concepts from the assigned reading, and from sources found through research to support your discussion.

Please respond to two or more of your classmates in a substantive way, and in a way that brings new content to the conversation. Also come up with a question relating to your post.


Employees are  entitled to work  to an environment that is  free from  discriminatory practices such as harassment  base on the  employees  attributes in  race, age, sexual orientation and pregnancy. Some examples of situation  that happens in the workplace that employees face discrimination is denial of training opportunities, transfers and promotion ( If the organization has programs that is available to the employees  for work development, an employee should not be denied participating on it. One of the Code of Ethics for Organization is that  corporate officers, managers, and employees will be impartial when personal interests conflict with those of the organization and fellow employees (Pozgar,2020).Discrimination can happen in intentional or intentional. The discrimination may come form of casual comments that sometimes the individual is not even aware of it.  

If an employee will face this discrimination its important to write a complaint to the Human Resources so the situation can be properly handled and analyzed the source of the problem and find a good solution base on the policy and regulation of the organization. 


 Unfortunately, discrimination and harassment occur in the workplace more often than most people realize. Discrimination can be based race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age, physical or mental disability and gender identity. If an employer does not treat all of their employees equally and fairly, or treats some less favorably than others, this is known as discrimination. Hospitals and other health care organizations are expected to protect their patients as well as their staff from discrimination and harassment. If an employee faces discrimination or any kind of harassment, they should first report the incident to their organizations human resources department. Usually, this step is sufficient with resolving most work related issues. However, if human resources does not take the employee’s concerns seriously and does not take correction action, an escalation to filing a complain with the Department of Labor may be necessary. Discrimination and harassment raise both legal and ethical issues when faced by both patients and staff members. Such legal and ethical issues will negatively effect the health care organization’s reputation and credibility.