Recommend Forensic Tools

Assume you are a DFI and you must deliver a presentation to the State  Attorneys office highlighting the advantages and opportunities of different digital forensic tools.

For this assignment, You must create a PowerPoint presentation that contains the following:

  • Title
  • Presentation objectives
  • Analysis of digital forensic tools (hardware and software) in four  categories: malware, accounting, and two additional categories of your  choosing.
  • Recommendation for the use of two digital forensic tools in each category.
  • Evaluation of the recommended tools with a convincing set of reasons for the selection of each tool.
  • Identification of the source of all copied images and tables.
  • Conclusion

Add speaker notes to each slide to assist with the presentation of the slide material

Length: 12-15 slides

References: Cite a minimum of 5 quality resources/references