PUBH 520

There is 2 part this Assignment and I downloaded my 3 week paper 

Assignment 9 details:

Please refer back to the personal health behavior you wanted to change earlier in the semester (In Week 3) and answer the following questions, which apply the concepts of behavioral economics to your selected personal health behavior:

  1. What are TWO decision errors that may prevent people from adopting your selected personal health behavior? Please list the types of decision errors (present-based preferences, loss aversion, etc.) and then specify the ways in which these decision errors may be applied to your selected health behavior.
  2. How can we apply these decision errors to an intervention to change the selected health behavior?

Please summarize your responses in a 1 page double spaced typed paper using 12-pt. Arial or Times Roman font.

Assignment 9 deadline: Sunday by 11:59 pm EDT

Grading Rubric for Individual Assignment: 

Assignment 10 details:

Please refer back to the personal health behavior you wanted to change earlier in the semester (In Week 3) and answer the following questions, which apply the concepts of patient and consumer activation and patient communication to your selected personal health behavior:

Preview the document

Patient Activation Measure Tool: