how it (selected topic) affects the employee performance


  • the assignment (1400 – 1500 words) 
  • Make sure that you have included proper text citations and APA style references for all sources in your assignment.
  • Include minimum five to six reference + textbook

Using the Internet, your school library, or additional sources, locate any two peer-reviewed resources on any one of the topic give below. Write a comparative analysis of both the resources you have researched. Based on the insights gained from the analysis and your learning, explain how it (selected topic) affects the employee performance. Relate it with your own work experience.


Team Effectiveness

Workplace bullying


Group decision making

Spirituality in Organizations

Cultural diversity in workplace


Please use the following format to write your answer.


Summary on the two selected resources in separate paragraphs

Comparative analysis

Explain how employee performance is affected relating to work experience

