Marketing Management

1.  You identified a company or industry of interest to use in your degree program. Until the world finds a way to not need charities, we need profitable organizations to pay good wages to generate the ability to personally donate. There is often public debate about reasonable profit. What is reasonable? Is it an after-tax rate of 3%? 6%? 13%? What about the years when profit is -4% or -11%, meaning a loss was incurred? Can a company then be allowed to make 18% the next year for an average of 7% if 7% is considered reasonable? Who and what determines reasonable profit?

2.  Consider these questions and post your thoughts on them:

a.  Is profit inherently evil or can it exist in the kingdom of God? Please explain.

b.  Is there such a thing as unreasonable profits in your company or industry of interest? If so, how do we determine that level where profits become unreasonable? If not, what do you say to those who feel there is?