

Question 1 (60 marks): Please read the following case study, think from Financial Management perspectives and broadly cover what we discussed in the class and structure your short answers in below format; 

A) Please list your expected return for the following investment in different scenarios; 

B) Please list the risks and discuss the impacts; 

C) Why you go ahead with that investment by listing your recommendations;

Case Scenario: If you are a CFO who is responsible for your companys investment. World leading C Bank relationship manager came to you and offered you the following investment product; some key features are illustrated in below: 

Auto callable Contingent Coupon Equity Linked Securities Linked to an Equally Weighted Basket of Four Underlying Due 31March2025;

Issuer: C Bank Group Global Markets Holding Inc. 

Guarantee: All payments due on the securities are fully and unconditionally guaranteed by C Bank Group which is AAA Grade rating; 


Underlying   Company Stock



Advanced   Micro Devices, Inc



Square,   Inc



Tesla,   Inc



Zoom   Video Communications, Inc


Stated Principal amount: $1,000 per security;

Issue Date: 31March2021

Pricing Date: 31March2021

Valuation dates: the 5th Business day of each calendar month

Maturity date: 31March2025 unless earlier redeemed

Coupon Payment: Monthly Dividend at 0.8333% p.m. roughly 10% unless the market value of any underlying company stock is not below 60% of the initial pricing as of 31March2021;

Payment at Maturity: If the securities are not automatically redeemed prior to maturity, callable when any of underlying stock price is below 60% of the initial pricing; If that is the case, your principal payment will be 60% of the initial purchase price + any of previous paid coupon; 

Otherwise, your return will be the ending sales price previous coupon payment- management fee as of 2%; However capped at 20% capital gain;