Vulnerability Assessment Procedure

For this assignment, you must write a paper that indicates the importance and impact of performing vulnerability assessments that includes the design for a vulnerability assessment procedure that includes an evaluation of industry tools that can assist in the process, electronic evidence collection, data analysis, and reporting.

Your paper should address the following:

– Introduction that states the purpose of the paper as part of the risk management plan.

– Overview of the relevance of auditing and evaluating the current state of the network and systems. Include references on the impact of attacks that justifies the importance of following a proactive approach to risk management by performing vulnerability assessments.

– Process for collecting electronic evidence. Illustrate a recommended procedure to gather and review evidence.

– Explain the importance and relevance of capturing network traffic to identify weak spots or network gaps to delineate a course of action to mitigate risks. These tasks are supported by tools. Discuss different types of SIEM, network analysis tools, and vulnerability assessment products.

– Best SIEM products used in terms of:

    +Operating systems coverage

    +Wide coverage of network devices (such as Cisco)

    + Ability to provide a desktop and web management console

    +Provision of an advanced intelligence engine of forensic module

    +Ease of use for log management

    +Easier reporting capabilities

– Procedure and flowchart to perform a vulnerability assessment.

– Conclusion

Length: 7-8 pages APA standards

References: Minimum of 5 scholarly resources


– Adedayo, O. M., & Olivier, M. S. (2015, March). Ideal log setting for database forensics reconstruction. Digital Investigation, (12), 27-40.

– Keel, J. (2015). Follow the audit trail. Journal of Legal Nurse Consulting, 26(12), 25-28.

– McLane, P. (2018). Cyberattacks put every enterprise at risk: Techniques diversify as corporate adversaries get smarter. Broadcasting & Cable, 148(13)