english 1310


While we have engaged in various forms of writing in this class, we have not explicitly considered analysis as a form of writing. Analysis, as the CEL defines it, is “the act of breaking something down to see how it works” (153). In this unit, we will focus more specifically on understanding this process of “breaking down” and using it to create our own Analysis Essay.

In this activity, you will read about textual analysis and follow along with a sample analysis and the text it analyzes. You will also answer questions about the sample analysis you choose.

CR Icon Pencil.png Instructions

  1. Read
    • Read the beginning of Chapter 6, Analyzing Written Texts (CEL 153-154).
    • Read “The Default Setting”(Carr, CEL 158-162) 
    • Also read the text Carr references:
  2. Respond
    • In at least 150 words, respond to these two questions, taken from the “Writing Strategies” section on p.161
      1. Identify the thesis of Carr’s essay, “The Default Setting.” What sentence best characterizes the authors’ main insight about David Foster Wallace’s address in “This is Water”?
      2. How does the analysis in Carr’s essay (“The Default Setting”) address context? Remember that context is “all the cultural, human, and physical stuff around the text itself” (CEL 173). Explain where context comes up in Carr’s essay and describe how Carr uses context to analyze David Foster Wallace’s address.