Literature Review AJ

Literature Review with 2 reviews per page so summary must be half a page there are 10 sources attached and must add 3 more and the subject is Fundamental therom of Algebra

Famous Scientists. (nd). Carl Friedrich Gauss. Retrieved from


Glidden, Peter L. Prospective Elementary Teachers Understanding of Order of Operations. School Science and Mathematics 108.4 (2008): 130136. Web.

MathWorld. (nd). Quadratic Polynomial. Retrieved from

MathWorld. (nd). Quadratic Polynomial. Retrieved from 


MathWorld. (nd). Quadratic Polynomial. Retrieved from 


MathWorld. (nd). Quadratic Polynomial. Retrieved from

Mercer, Neil, and Claire Sams. Teaching Children How to Use Language to Solve Maths 

 Problems. Language and education 20.6 (2006): 507528. Web.

Ronan, M. (nd). Linear Algebra. Retirved from


Shibalovich, P. (2002). Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. Retrieved from

Tavora, M. (2017). The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. Retrieved from

 “Lemma.” From –A Wolfram Web 
