Unit 11. Reading and Writing: Modern Art: 1900 to 1940s

 AssignmentTask: Submit to complete this assignment Starts Mar 21, 2021 12:00 AMEnds Mar 29, 2021 11:30 PM


(click on above link to access reading assignment)

Writing Assignment:
Summarize the information on the painting by Matisse, Dance 1.

Writing Assignment for Unit 11 Reading & Writing should include: Between 3-5 summary Paragraphs from the reading assignment. (3-5 paragraphs required)

Write 3-5 summary paragraphs for the reading assignment (no topic headers in this reading assignment).

Relate important points topic-by-topic.

Each summary paragraph should have space between paragraphs.

A run-on paragraph cannot be graded.

Do not use headers or ‘quotes’ from the reading assignment.

Do not use ‘I’, ‘me’, ‘my’ in writing summaries.

Do not cut and paste or copy any of the text in the reading assignment and then change it because TURNITIN will read it as copying and not as original.

TURNITIN SIMILARITY SCORE SHOULD BE 0% – if you are summarizing in your own words…

Take notes in your own words and then summarize.

Summaries that are too close to the original text will receive little or no credit.


(It is important to see what you think about what you have read, and viewed. You must be original!)

You must attach the file as a WORD document: if you do not have WORD you can get an online version through BC or download OpenOffice and save the document in WORD format. Check for the DUE date for each assignment. To post: Follow the directions and then go to “Submit Files” then “Add a File”, “Upload” then “Add” then, “Submit”.


You must attach the file as a WORD document: if you do not have WORD you can get an online version through BC or download OpenOffice and save the document in WORD format. Check for the DUE date for each assignment. To post: Follow the directions and then go to “Submit Files” then “Add a File”, “Upload” then “Add” then, “Submit”.

How to check your turnitin % score:
When you submit your writing assignments you will see your Turnitin % score after the paper has been submitted; you can click on it to review what is similar. If you need to make changes to your assignment you can but would have to submit a new file with the changes (the system allows for more than one submission as long as it is submitted before the deadline / the most current submission is graded). If you are submitting the assignment too close to the deadline there is no time to check your score and make changes; it’s important to work ahead so if needed you have time to make changes. The Writing Assignment is open for 9 days (check the course schedule for dates and times).