Public Health- Public Health Situation Analysis

The Public Health Situation Analysis (PHSA) is a WHO Health Cluster product that the Health Cluster produces during a humanitarian emergency.  The PHSA can be an initial analysis at the onset of an emergency or an update during an emergency.  The PHSA is applied to natural disasters and/or complex emergencies.

WHO publishes a template for the hsa template This template provides the instructions and guidelines for preparing the PHSA.

You will prepare a PHSA in an editable template that has been converted in to a HSA in word .  The instructions and guidelines have been removed from this template so you will need to refer to the PDF template when developing your PHSA.  You will need to download and save this document in order to prepare your PHSA.  Prepare your PHSA in this document.


You have been asked to prepare a PHSA on the Rohingya refugee crisis in Bangladesh.  The Rohingya ethnic group was displaced by the government of Myanmar (Burma) and have been sheltered in refugee camps in Bangladesh.

Start at the WHO page on .  On the left side click on Bangladesh/Rohingya.

Review the Bangladesh/Rohingya page. 

On the page, click on “Read more” under Bulletins and Reports.

Review the page where you will find “Secondary Data” which will comprise the bulk of your PHSA.

Click on Situation Reports in order to read the most recent Situation Reports.    

From the page, click on the most recent biweekly report. 

Biweekly Situation Report 02 – 02 February 2021 has been downloaded for your reference.   These Situation Reports focus on Covid-19, but there is a better source for this assignment.

Use the Health Sector Bulletins at the Rohingya site. 

For another source of information on the Rohingya emergency, go to the site.

In addition to UNHCR and WHO resources for Secondary Data on current humanitarian emergencies, ACAP is an independent non-governmental organization that can provide updates on Humanitarian Emergencies. Scroll down to the link to open its page.  

As you prepare your PHSA, Table 2 requires you to enter ongoing epidemics of infectious diseases.  The WHO Situation report lists at least 3 ongoing epidemics.  All 3 of these ongoing epidemics to be included.  

Include in your PHSA, a report on a new simulated outbreak.  Health officials have reported 55,600 cases of seasonal influenza among the Rohingya refugees.  

What is the incidence of influenza in the refugee population in cases per 100,000 refugees?  Show your calculations.  

All sections of the PHSA need to be completed.

After preparing your PHSA in Word Document format, submit your PHSA in this dropbox.