Red Bean Cake and Simple Recipe are the two stories I chose.
Draft is the draft from last time
MLA is the format for writing. (In MLA format)
Research Paper
Length: 1500 words
Requirements: Use at least 2 primary sources (2 of our stories) AND 2 secondary sources (from our library and/or its databases).
Research paper instructions
1. Use these topics for the in-class essay (about 500 words).
2. Do research on the topic of choice leading to an annotated bibliography
(See sample annotated bibliography on Moodle under “Introduction to Research”).
Make sure that the annotated bibliography includes 1 book secondary source, 1 article secondary source, and 1 on-line secondary source. The article secondary source may be an on-line source from a library database, and you could end up with 2 on-line articles from the library databases.
3. Prepare for the peer edit of the annotated bibliography, and hand in the annotated bibliography.
4. Prepare for the peer edit of the research paper, and hand in the research paper.
Research paper topics
1. Identify the master and servant and examine their relationship in at least two stories
2. Discuss the use of violence in at least two stories.
3. Analyze the role of food in at least two stories/poems.
4. Consider the relationship between parent and child in at least two stories/poems.
5. Examine the role of gender and/or marriage in at least 2 stories.
6. Describe oppression and/or justice in at least 2 stories.
7. Create your own topic, but clear it with me first before you proceed.