Discussion Board

Discussion board instructions

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Review the attached document(s) or video(s) and use one or more of the questions listed below as a guide and basis for discussion with your classmates.  Guidelines are to complete each post before the due date with a minimum of 150 words. Include in your posts some concepts and vocabulary from the assigned video or document, textbook, and/or lecture slides to demonstrate your understanding of the lesson for the module. 

Mandatory questions prompts:

Describe the diversity among families represented.

What message is Honey Maid trying to send with this video?

Choose at least one question prompt below:

What about the video/activity/reading was most surprising to you or intrigued you the most?

How would you apply what you have learned?

How does the video/activity/reading remind you of a personal event or story?

How does the video/activity/reading relate to concepts you learned in class or from the text?

Part A: Your first post is due Wednesday and should include answers to the questions and end with an original question of your own for your classmates to answer.

Part B: Your additional posts, due no later than Sunday will include answering 2 of your classmates questions.

Part A is worth 10 points and part B is worth 10 points totaling 20 points for this assignment.

Use the classroom discussion board so everyone may review all the posts.