AIMR CLASS (Deadline March 25 3pm) text yes if can meet the deadline

  Go To: Google > in the search type –  the great debaters full movie –  > in the “watch movie” box look for and click on the round black/red icon TUBI > the movie should start immediately.  

1. Make a list of FOUR CONVICTIONS  (strong beliefs that guide your actions and words) that YOU  HAVE in your life.

2. Next, Choose a Character You identify with most from the film.

3. Write  a DOUBLE SPACE, TIMES NEW ROMAN, 12 FONT1-2 page Essay Comparing and Contrasting Your Beliefs and Actions  in comparison to those of the Characters beliefs and actions in the movie. ( refer to #2 above )

4. Be sure to Include specific Details from the Movie as well as Your own Experiences.