
Students will develop a Power Point or Prezi presentation on a current gender-based topic. The intent is to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the topic. Upload the presentation to the dropbox. A full list of topics and students last names for assigned topics will be located in the D2L folder. Presentations should include the following: Introduction/background of topic and how it relates to women/gender. Facts, statistics, and relevant key points about the topic in relation to women/gender. Two to three video or audio clips as examples or illustrations of the topic. Clips may be from professional sources or news/lay media sources. Application of your knowledge of topic in the following ways: o Implications for women (In other words, how is it helpful for women to be more knowledgeable about this topic and what impact may their knowledge have on their lives?) o Implications for families/friends/colleagues/socially connected people (In other words, how is it helpful for others with personal or workplace connections to be more knowledgeable about this topic and what impact may their knowledge have on their relationships and interactions with women?) o Implications for professionals (In other words, how is it helpful to professionals to be more knowledgeable about this topic? What impact may their knowledge have on their work with and on behalf of women?) Reference List Additional information for presentation: A list of topics with assigned students names will be posted in D2L. Upload presentation to assigned D2L dropbox by or on the scheduled due date by 11:55 p.m. For all content of presentation except for video or audio clips, use professional sources. Acceptable sources include: academic peer-reviewed journal articles; .edu; or .gov websites. Information from .org sites may be used, if deemed credible. Three professional sources are the minimum and there is no maximum. For content other than video or audio clips, avoid .com, popular press magazines, and Wikipedia, unless the professor gives permission to use. Include a full list of references on the final slide(s) and cite paraphrased and verbatim information within the presentation slides. Use proper APA formatting style. The presentation length is 12-15 slides, excluding the title page and reference slides.The presentation length is 12-15 slides, excluding the title page and reference slides. Include proper grammar, correct spelling, and smooth transitions. Use bulleted, key point information rather than filling slides with lengthy sentences and paragraphs. Picture/visual images are welcome. Slides should be polished, professional, well-organized, focused, and easy-to-read in terms of font and color schemes. Like all assignments, presentation must be students original work that is being submitted for the first time. In other words, partial or completed assignments taken from other authors or from other courses are not permissible and will result in the grade of 0.