Week 1 Report


Project: The ADDIE Model: Analyze

Over the next few weeks, we will evaluate how the ADDIE modelanalysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation can be applied to instructional design. The model can be applied to both higher education and a real-world organizational training needs. Each week of the course project, we will leverage a step in the model, creating relevant documents for a specific problem or topic of interest.

For clarity, the course project will use the terms course, curriculum, and training synonymously to reflect a specific, designed instructional product comprising several weeks or units of material to address an identified need. In real-world contexts, the terms may have varied usage (e.g., course referring to a specific educational piece; curriculum referring to a set of courses or educational pieces; training referring to an organizational intervention or initiative). Because you will have the opportunity to select your own setting for your course project (e.g., higher education, organizational training, etc.), using the noted terms synonymously will help us achieve clarity and consistency in the course project instructions regardless of the variety of contexts students in the course choose for their projects.

Course Project Summary:

  • Week 1You will analyze the need and goals for instruction in a setting, institution, or organization of your choice.
  • Week 2You will create a description of your proposed course and its learner objectives. You will begin using a Course Design Template that includes drafting the high-level sequence for the course, content types, initial presentations, and generative strategies for each week/unit of instruction.
  • Week 3Adding to and enhancing your previous work in the Course Design Template, you will produce weekly, pre-instructional strategies (overviews) and three instructional artifacts (e.g., lecture, video-script, info graphic, etc.) for the week/unit 1 content of your course.
  • Week 4Using a Course Planning and Budget Template, you will break instructional design of your course into a two month development sequence, detailing tasks, responsibilities, and projected costs for the analyze, design, development, and implementation phases.
  • Week 5Adding to and enhancing your previous work in the Course Design Template, you will create a learner assignment or activity for week/unit 1 of your course. You will also design a grading rubric for the assignment and a summative evaluation plan for your course.

Week 1 Instructions:

This week, the deliverable will be an analysis summary, including components that appraise the need for instruction and discuss learner and contextual analysis. For your course project, you may choose:

  • To create curriculum materials for a higher education situation or
  • To create curriculum materials for an organizational training context.

Whichever choice you make (higher education or organizational training), you will continue that choice for each weeks deliverables.


  • Propose a setting for your instructional design project.
    • Summarize key details about the institution or organization you will use. What is it? What is its focus or what does it do? You can use your current institution/organization, a past institution/organization you are familiar with, or a hypothetical institution/organization.
    • What is the curriculum need (i.e., specific course) for the institution/organization? For example, a higher education institution might have identified a topic or skill that is lacking in a larger set of curricula or a program, a gap that has been identified via institutional assessment, and/or  a need proposed by an advisory committee, the industry, the market, or the scholarly literature. Similarly, an organization might have identified a performance gap that will require training to address. Provide evidence for the proposed need or performance gap.
  • Compose a goal analysis for the instructional design.
    • What are the course/training title and the course/training description?
    • How will this course/training address the identified need or performance gap?
    • What are three high-level goals for the course/training? (Note. Goals refer to institutional/organizational level goals. That is, what the organization aims to achieve. You will compose course objectives for the learner next week).
  • Analyze the expected audience or learners [target audience] who will engage the curriculum. Your learner analysis should include a primary audience, secondary audience, and learner characteristics. Make some assumptions regarding the impact on the type of training, materials, or approach needed for meaningful learning by this audience based on their learner characteristics, style, and capabilities.
  • Summarize your contextual analysis of the instructional environment and the adjustments, strategies, or action steps that may be required to support effective learning. For example will your course be face to face or online modality (delivery)? What are the contextual considerations depending on your modality choice?

Submission Details:

  • Use APA format and style for your paper.
  • Complete your analysis in a 34 page Microsoft Word document.
  • Name the document SU_INS7200_W1_