public health

 Excise or “sin” taxes are one strategy or type of intervention used by Public Health professionals to reduce tobacco initiation and/or use.  In the video, you learned about some of the general “pros” and “cons” of using excise or “sin” taxes to address major health issues.  Now, I want you to think critically about excise or “sin” taxes as a means of reducing vaping/e-cigarette use among adolescents and young people.  In particular:

  • List one specific way in which excise or “sin” taxes could help to reduce vaping/e-cigarette use among adolescents and young people.
  • Describe one potential concern of using excise or “sin” taxes to reduce vaping/e-cigarette use among adolescents and young people.
  • Describe one additional strategy beyond excise or “sin” taxes that Public Health professionals could use to reduce vaping/e-cigarette initiation and/or use among adolescents/young people (i.e., an intervention or program, policies, etc.).