

HOOK : Introduce the topic/ issue:  Interesting Fact/Stat , Quote ,Generalizations , Anecdote (short story, scenario, or examples)- Describe the PROBLEM. Many people believe  ____ once said, . Scientists suggests In our society, it is most common Counterargument The ideas that oppose your thesis. -While some think the truth is  However, some argue  A common misunderstanding is They contend thatThe information that proves your opinion.  Ethos: the reputation of others or moral/values of issue , Pathos: emotional aspects . Logos:facts/stats or reasoning Sentence – Research shows  In reality,  Professionals can testify that  We must only consider our personal experience with Thesis Statement that shares your argumentative opinion. Topic + Opinion + Evidence = Thesis Sentence __ is best because  To ensure we must  ____ should ____ in order to  ___ is beneficial because

High Schedule Class early Schedule

Should high school students start classes so early in the morning? Most high schools have kept the same starting time that existed in the 1920s. Its purpose was to make time for student to get back to their farms and tend to chores. Thus, many schools start at 7:30am. Many people believe this creates good habits for young people.However, current research suggests that this is far too early for students to be mentally alert and ready for the day. Additionally, many students admit they would be more willing to be successful if they didnt feel pressured to start so early. Why then do we continue to use a system that we know doesnt work well for the very students that school is trying to reach? We must change our schedule to start school at 10am to ensure students are successful and want to be at school.

Hook: Should high school students start classes so early in the morning?

Background: Most high schools have kept the same starting time that existed in the 1920s. Its purpose was to make time for student to get back to their farms and tend to chores. Thus, many schools start at 7:30am. Many people believe this creates good habits for young people.

Counterpart: Many people believe this creates good habits for young people. However, current research suggests that this is far too early for students to be mentally alert and ready for the day.

Support your Opinion :Additionally, many students admit they would be more willing to be successful if they didnt feel pressured to start so early. Why then do we continue to use a system that we know doesnt work well for the very students that school is trying to reach?

Thesis Statement: We must change our schedule to start school at 10am to ensure students are successful and want to be at school will have more time to do extracurricular activities, 

Body paragraphs 

Body paragraphs present facts and details that support your overall claim (thesis). Transition words are your lifesaver here. They will organize help your reader follow your ideas. To begin,… In addition,… Furthermore,… This suggests that… Therefore,

Body Paragraph: By changing to a four-day school week, students will have more time out of the classroom. Many students have several extracurricular activities such as playing on sports teams, which require hours of practice a week. Taking music lessons and playing in the school band also requires several hours of commitment. Being in clubs or Scouts can be time consuming, too. By having school only four days a week, the fifth day would be free for these types of activities. By extending the school day twenty minutes in the morning and twenty-five minutes in the afternoon, students would be able to make up time missed on the fifth day. The longer weekend would provide more opportunities for students to participate in meaningful activities that would help students become more active and responsible as well as complete all their assigned work to a higher degree. 


Evidence: Ethos: The use of credibility and trust,  quotes form professionals, customer reviews, Logos: Logic : The use of logic, statisticsPathos: Passion, experience, stories 


Topic of Next Paragraph: as well as complete all their assigned work to a higher degree.

Argumentative (Persuasive) Essay CONLUDING PARAGRAPHS Purpose: Conclusion summarize your thesis (claim), all the reasons you gave to support your claim, in addition to encouraging the audience to think about their own opinions on the topic.