(1) Briefly describe one ethically problematic experience you’ve had at a job– in other words, something related to an issue discussed in the textbook such as promotion, hiring, due process, testing, privacy, etc. (2) analyze this experience using ethica

Instructions: The purpose of this assignment is to help you clarify your understanding of the readings and to help you think about the various dimensions of these issues.  Assignment: two page, typewritten reaction paper on the topic specified below. This will be a “graded” assignment only in a loose sense; in other words it will be either satisfactory (100) or unsatisfactory (50). A zero (0) will be awarded if nothing (or next to nothing) is submitted.

The assignment should be double-spaced and prepared in Microsoft Word with margins not to exceed one-inch, and font no larger than size 10. To be considered two full pages the text of the document must fill a minimum of three-fourths (3/4) of the second page. Do not put student information on the first page to take up space it will be counted against you. Grades of 100 or 50 will be adjusted to reflect the students use of proper grammar, punctuation, and correct spelling so be sure to proof and edit your paper before submitting it for grading. The paper will be submitted through your assignments folder.