Risk and Resilience among Latina/o Immigrant Families

Risk and Resilience among Latina/o Immigrant Families

You reviewed risk factors and protective factors that face Latina/o immigrant families. You have identified specific interventions that can be adapted to address issues faced by Latina/o immigrant families. Finally, you discovered the importance of advocating for Latina/o immigrant families as a human services professional. Please use your readings and research peer-reviewed journal articles in the Purdue Global Library to support your post.

Please respond to the following:
1)    Identify and discuss three risk factors faced by Latina/o immigrant families.

2)    Identify and discuss three protective factors that can be accessed by Latina/o immigrant families to increase resilience.

3)    A gap exists between prevention research and community practice. Analyze how a human services professional could help to bridge this gap.
a)    Discuss the skills needed and identify any challenges you feel a human services professional may encounter.
b)    Consider both the risk factors and protective factors you identified above in terms of public policy. Identify one policy recommendation you would make to address these factors. Explain your reasoning.