Title VII Amendments and Interpretations

Reflection prompt: If a person can do the job, has the skills to do the job well, and does, in fact, do the job well, their gender should never be an issue. As we have discussed, Title VII’s “sex” has now been interpreted to include stereotypes associated with sexual orientation and transgender status. How will you, as a manager, address issues you may see from other employees who make inappropriate comments, bully, or declare they will not work “that” person? If a lawsuit should arise for discrimination based on sexual orientation or transgender status, how will prove good faith?

Response: Prepare a 400 to 500-word reflective response to your chosen prompt. Include evidence within the reflection that the material provided was accessed. While reflecting, keep in mind that the objectives of the paper are to examine how interpretations of the law (Title VII of 1964 Civil Rights Act) will affect you as a potential manager.
Analyze & reflect on recent amendments and interpretations of Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Ac

Optional: Include a proper source of your choice.