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Asynchronous Learning

Literary analysis of a rose for Emily by William faulkner 

Refer to the literary chapters already read: “Plot”, “Character”, “Setting”, “Point of View”, and “Symbolism”,

Choose one (1) literary device to analyze the story, “A Rose for Emily” in 300 words. Support your analysis with references from the chapter and the story in the anthology.

This essay must be typed in MLA format; thus, you will need to include in-text citations and a works cited page.

Samples of MLA in-text and work cited citations and format are available in your textbook, specifically in A Sample Student Response, p. 50, in ‘A Sample Close Reading’, pp. 20-22, and in Chapter 44 The Literary Research Paper, pp. 1553-1557. In addition, there is a current student sample attached for your review. Remember to view my feedback in the sample as well.