Select and research a company from the 2019 Fortune 500 list that demonstrates a sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace.
Evaluate the selected companys sustainable competitive advantage using the SWOT analysis technique.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word modified SWOT analysis that includes the following:
- An introduction with a detailed description of the company
- A SWOT Analysis Diagram that includes strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
- An evaluation of how specific internal factors (strengths and/or weaknesses) support and/or promote a competitive advantage; examples may include:
- Financial, physical, or human resources
- Access to natural resources, trademarks, patents, or copyrights
- Current processes (employee programs or software systems)
- An evaluation of how specific external factors (opportunities and/or threats) support and/or promote a competitive advantage;examples may include:
- Market trends (new products or technology advancements)
- Economic trends (local and/or global)
- Demographics
- Regulations (political, environmental, or economic)
- Conclusion with an evaluation of how the company has retained its competitive advantage
Include APA-formatted in-text citations and a reference page with at least 2 sources. Note: You may include your textbook as 1 of the sources.
Note: You can view sample SWOT Analyses by visiting the > Databases > B > Business Source Complete: SWOT Analyses.
Select and research a company that is having financial difficulties or is on the brink of bankruptcy.
Review from Investopedia.
You can also access specific information about a variety of businesses in the by searching the following databases:
- University Library > Databases > B > Business Source Complete
- University Library > Databases > E > EDGAR
- University Library > Databases > P > Plunkett Research Online
Conduct a strategic analysis of the companys current financial operations. Determine strategies for achieving a sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace and increasing financial performance.
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word analysis. When writing your analysis, complete the following:
- Evaluate the companys current financial plan,including charts and/or graphs showing financial data from the struggling company and make recommendations for improvement.
- Determine strategies for achieving a sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace and increasing financial performance.
- Create a plan to implement the strategies you selected.
Include APA-formatted in-text citations and a reference page with at least 3 sources.
1st assignment Rubric
- Introduction and company description
20% of total grade - 2. SWOT analysis diagram
10% of total grade - 3. Internal factors evaluation
23% of total grade - 4. External factors evaluation
22% of total grade - 5. Conclusion and competitive advantage evaluation
20% of total grade - 6. Critical thinking
2% of total grade - 7. Mechanics and grammar
2nd assignment Rubric
- Evaluation of the companys current financial plan and recommendations for improvement
30% of total grade - 2. Strategies for achieving sustainable competitive advantage
30% of total grade - 3. Plan to implement the selected strategies