International Human Resource Management

Write a report (2,000 words) aimed at Human Resources (HR) professionals, outlining how organisations can adapt the range and type of international assignments to meet their strategic plans. You will be expected to identify:

– the type of organisation (i.e. industry, size, type of operations) you are preparing this report for,

– the type and purpose of the internationalisation strategy that this organisation might need to adopt in order to meet its strategic plan,

– the type of international assignment that best fits its internationalisation strategy. 

You will also be expected to produce a detailed training and support programme aimed at the employees/managers going on the type of international assignment you are recommending.

Your report should include 3 sections

Introduction (300 words): Your introduction should specify the aim and objectives of the report. It should also set the context within key IHRM issues (e.g. internationalisation, global talent, etc.) and specify the organisation and its international/global strategy (including the home and host countries involved). In this section, you can discuss, in general, the contextual factors that have influenced organisations to work internationally (e.g. ensuring a pipeline of global talent) and the challenges they face. You can then narrow this discussion down to the organisation in question and its own strategic drivers. 

International assignment (600 words): In this section, you should present an overview of the different types of international assignments. You should then introduce and justify the type of international assignment that best supports the organisations (international/global) strategy. Explain its characteristics and critically discuss its strengths and weaknesses. Remember to consider strengths and weaknesses from the organisational and individual perspective. You should also discuss the challenges for HR professionals in managing the particular type of international assignment.

Training and support programme (1000 words):  Your training and support programme should help HR professionals prepare employees going on the type of international assignment discussed in the previous section. 

The first part of the training and support programme should present an analysis of the cultural differences between the home and host countries. You will need to do some background research to find out more about the home and host countries in question. For example, what is the national culture there? What is it like to work and live there? Gathering this information is crucial as it will then inform the objectives and learning content of the training and support programme. In this section, you should also present and justify the profile of the employees/managers involved in the international assignment.

The second part should specify the programmes objectives, training and supporting activities, and timeframe. The expectation is that you will have obtained a good amount of knowledge and understanding from the lectures, seminars and wider academic and practitioner-oriented reading about the expatriation process – and other alternative forms of international working – and some of the issues that international assignees face, before, during and after their engagement on an international assignment (e.g. as cultural awareness and adaptation, early termination, host county expectations and national culture, career planning and development, trailing spouses, work & life balance, and much more). Your programme should be based on research in these areas and demonstrate the importance of preparing people for international assignments. Your programme should also be unique to a specific type of international assignment, and consider its characteristics, strengths and weaknesses in the design. Your training and support programme should show your sensitivity to identifying and meeting the needs of assignees and organisations, and it should show your understanding of different training methods to ensure that your training objectives are met. 

The content of your training and support programme should demonstrate how you will address the following points.

Pre-departure: Type of information, activities and support that are considered crucial for employees in their preparation for an international assignment

Post-arrival: Type of information, activities and support that are considered crucial to support employees during the international assignment.

Repatriation: Type of information, activities and support that are considered crucial to prepare individuals returning from the international assignment. 

Your training and support programme should be comprehensive, and consider all relevant aspects of an international assignment, including the cultural context, career development, personal development and family aspects at all stages of the international assignment cycle.

Please find attached full assignment brief.

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2000 words altogether

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