Photography work


a. Improvise a reflector. Find something that will reflect or redirect light. (2 photos min.)

i. Take a photo of the subject matter without the reflected light.

ii. Take a photo of the makeshift reflector in use. 

b. Improvise a diffusor. Find something that will diffuse, soften, or dampen light. (2 photos min.)

i. Take a photo of the subject matter without the diffused light. 

ii. Take a photo of the makeshift diffusor in use. 

c. Improvise a cookie! You can use cardboard or something more sturdy. Cut some patterns into it and use a flashlight or lamp to shine through. (2 photos required, more optional)

i. Take a photo of the cookie in use.

ii. Take a photo of the light (dont include the cookie in this one).

iii. Extra (Optional): Move the light closer and farther away from your cookie. Take photos of your results. What happens to the light when you change the distance between your cookie and the light? What happens when you change the distance between the subject matter (and keep the distance between the cookie and the light the same)? 

d. Improvise a portrait lighting setup using 1-3 lights and the 3-Point lighting system. (2 photos)

i. Take a photo of the whole setup. 

ii. Take a photo of just the subject matter (hiding your lighting setup). 

e. Improvise a still-life backdrop and lighting setup.(2 photos)

i. Take a photo of the whole setup.

ii. Take a photo of just the subject matter (hiding your lighting setup).