see instructions

We will need you to draft a personal statement to the court, which is your chance to speak directly to the Judge. You should type it, and address it to Honorable Judge. Here is an online reference for correct letter writing format (you do not need to worry about the “recipient” address): The letter only needs be 1-2 pages long, but can be as long as you desire. Please make sure to sign and date your letter. You can use the questions below as guidance in drafting your letter:
1.    The most important sentiment to convey to the Judge is REMORSE and ACCOUNTABILITY.

2.    What was going on in your life when the conviction occurred?

Grandpa passed away(my best friend), my fianc and I broke up

3.    What are the hardships the conviction has put on you and your family (Example: general shame and remorse, losing your employment, inability to proceed with your career, preventing you from doing something in your life, etc.)?

4.    What have you learned from the conviction (how to better control your anger).

5.    What are the positive things you have done since the conviction (Example: community service, completion of rehab, attending college or trade school, mended relationships with loved ones, etc.)?

Got married in 2019 and gained 3 kids and had 2 of our own. Community Service. Completed anger management.

6.    Why is getting the record cleaned up important to you? This is the most important aspect of our case (Example: economic concerns, finding employment, children to feed, securing housing for your family, traveling abroad, attending college and / or trade school, etc.).

7.    How do you plan to live your life moving forward (Example: what are your goals for you and your family)?