Race Crime & Masculinities Essay Questions

Race Crime & Masculinities Essay Questions

Length 12-15 (not counted cover page, references)

NB! Answer Only One of three Questions

Masculinity is never a tactic of finish product they are influenced by the gender ideals that we have come to except as proper (1993:67).

1) What are some of the reasons that some men might engage in  violent crime to establish or prove their “masculinity. In answering, consider how power shapes masculinity in society. Patricia Hill-Collins (2005) and Michelle Alexander (2010) see Black men as situated near the bottom of the masculine hierarchy  while white man predominately have the power this creates both subordinated and marginalized masculinities is driven by notions of racialized masculine identities (hooks, 2003 B). Connell criticizes the social scientist who failed to recognize race within masculinity and does concede that racialized identities within masculinity under theorized (Connell and Messerschmidt, 2005). Patricia Hill-Collins (2005) and bell hooks (2003b) view hegemonic masculinity as the basis for subordination and marginalization of Black men and their masculinities.

2) How does the policing (law enforcement and communal) of Black masculinities shape their construction of gender and sexuality among its potential targets, within  Black communities?

3) According to Connell (1987:183), male rape can be more meaningfully explained as an ascendant form of masculinity that subordinates femininity and some forms of masculinity”. You are to critically assess this statement in relation to all genders as offenders and victims of rape. Further, it is mandatory that you theoretically frame your response within frameworks that recognize the saliency of social identities, including but not limited to class, race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality and ability. In answering, consider how power shapes masculinity in society. Patricia Hill-Collins (2005) and Michelle Alexander (2010) see Black men as situated near the bottom of the masculine hierarchy  while white man predominately have the power this creates both subordinated and marginalized masculinities is driven by notions of racialized masculine identities (hooks, 2003 B). Connell criticizes the social scientist who failed to recognize race within masculinity and does concede that racialized identities within masculinity under theorized (Connell and Messerschmidt, 2005). Patricia Hill-Collins (2005) and bell hooks (2003b) view hegemonic masculinity as the basis for subordination and marginalization of Black men and their masculinities

Choose a total of (5) readings from the course, and use your chosen readings as examples of understanding race crime & masculinities.

The readings for this course share some basic premises: raced, gendered & hegemonic patriarchal masculinities influences mens actions and the way men perceive themselves, other men,  children, LGBTQI persons and women.

Your essay is not a summary of any theorist or author’s work. Rather your essay should engage in a substantive way (employ and work with textual evidence) from select course readings/film/documentaries or other text/context you chose as a focal point for the paper. Read carefully and think before you write. Precision, depth and imagination, rather than volume (breadth), are what counts.

Finally, a good essay is like a road map. The introduction is a road map for their reader – professor – TA.  A reader should be able to read the introduction to see if they want to take the trip/journey at all, and if so what they should expect along the way. Secondly, writing is a process that requires revision: revise, revise, revise!!! And, revision is far more than editing; by definition it is rethinking – strong expository writing is preceded by active, critical READING.

Few points to consider when peer reviewing students paper.

The essay outline as provided by the instructor.
You must include the eight (8) sections/parts/subheadings, think of it as your academic GPS.

1) Title (Cover page) page: 1

Title of your paper

Your Banner ID Number (e.g., 100123456).

Institutional Affiliation

Student legal name

2) Abstract: page 2

In 150-300 words or less, provide a brief summary of what your paper is about. In 150-300 words or less, provide a brief summary of what your paper is about. An abstract is an excerpted passage, brief, summary or short statement that describes your paper. It contains for example but not exclusive the theoretical framework, scope, purpose, methodology, results, and contents of the work. Does the abstract have keywords?

3) Introduction

Define the problem, its nature, scope, extent and importance!
Define the terms, theories, concepts to be used and why!
State how you plan to add new knowledge to the given topic.
4) Literature Review. This is another subheading or section.

Discuss the work of prior researchers. This means summarizing the work that others have done (of course, you may have to read additional literature that precedes 2000 to become familiar with the activists, theoretical and scholarly debate in the literature) and find a way to discuss the existing works thematically, conceptually, or methodologically.

How is prior work or theorists relevant to your current literature review?
Provide a synthesis and criticism of existing works (theoretical, conceptual, operational, methodological, and analytical).
What shortcomings (policy, law, procedures) and deficiencies exist in prior works?
It is not sufficient to simply inform the reader about the previous works. In other words, are the weakness or gaps in the authors arguments and line of thought.
A literature review is a way improving and building upon the work of other scholars. We are in the business of modifying the wheel, not reinventing it.
What remedies can you recommend improving the existing state of knowledge?
  5) Claims/results/findings. This is another subheading or section.

What are your main findings/claims/arguments?
What arguments are you making?
What evidence are you providing in support of your argument and claim?
Findings should be presented in thematic categories.
6) General discussion and conclusion. This is another subheading or section. 

Does your finding/argument contravene or contradict the findings of prior research?
Does your finding support the current knowledge about a given topic?
Discuss the implications of your work for researchers and policymakers.
Discuss the limitations of your own work.
Discuss what future policy research you would recommend!
7) References. This is on a separate page at the end of your paper, under the subheading references.

Use APA format: Please refer to the examples in the Concise Guide to APA Style, Seventh Edition, which is adapted by the American Psychological Association (APA) from its Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition. https://apastyle.apa.org/ (Links to an external site.)

If you want you can use these points or the above  7 sections for peer review

Do you define key Crime and Masculinities terms, phrases and associated concepts as we have used them in this course?
Does your thesis of paper reflect your grasp of key terms and concepts in this course?
Do you adequately explain the theories or ideas you are using from lectures in assigned readings in critical race theory?
Do you provide evidence for conclusion you reach in your paper?
What is supporting evidence appropriate and convincing?
Do you offer an interesting and thoughtful conclusion to your paper?
Do you have a number of grammatical punctuation and sentence structure errors? Are you critical in discussion your observations or do you just offer a summary?
You are articulating novel ideas and interpretations of the material, from refereed journals on Crime and Masculinities
The paper follows prescribed APA formatting
In addition you can consider what is the central claim of this paper, in your opinion?
What data did you find most convincing in this paper and why?
Which sections of the paper did find most confusing and what would make the section clearer?
Which sections of the paper do you feel the student should expand