Integrated bibliography

you will write and submit a integrated bibliography that compares and contrasts the findings of the disciplinary combinations below:

Economics & Sociology

(**See attached annotated bibliographies required for this assignment below**
**these attachments must be used for this assignment**)

Use evidence from the annotated bibliographies referencing a minimum of 4 articles (2 for sociology and 2 for economics). Make sure to cite the article using in-text citation. Write a minimum of 300 words (but you may need to write more to answer the questions fully). 

What is the economic position on the social problem and what is the sociological position on the social problem (support your answer with evidence from the articles)? What are the theoretical or empirical results for both disciplines? How do the findings from both disciplines contribute to the holistic understanding of the social problem? In what ways do the results contrast with each other and do not contribute to the holistic understanding of the social problem? After answering these questions, list the four articles you used for this section.

Examples of APA Citation format styles

**APA Citation Style

  1. In text citation. This is the citation format you use when you want to cite the article within your own writing.

(Author last name and date of publication)


The sociological imagination is a concept formulated to illustrate how individual lives are embedded in a larger historical context (Mills 1959).

2a. Journal article for APA format bibliography

Author, A. (Publication Year). Article title. Periodical Title, Volume(Issue), pp.-pp.

APA format example:

Nevin, A. (1990). The changing of teacher education special education. Teacher Education and Special Education: The Journal of the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children, 13(3-4), 147-148.

2b. A general website article with an author for APA format bibliography

Author, A. (Year, Month Date of Publication). Article title. Retrieved from URL

APA format example:

Simmons, B. (2015, January 9). The tale of two Flaccos. Retrieved from

2c. A general website article without an author for APA format bibliography

Article title. (Year, Month Date of Publication). Retrieved from URL

APA format example:

Teen posed as doctor at West Palm Beach hospital: police. (2015, January 16). Retrieved from