5.5 Assignment: Mini Case Study


  1. Research and identify an example of a recent leveraged buyout that interests you. You may choose any company you like, as long as it involves an LBO transaction and you can find enough information to shed light on the deal. Use OCLS and the internet to conduct research on the reasons for the transaction and the outcome.
  2. Prepare a paper analyzing the ethical and financial implications of the selected companys LBO transaction:
    1. Provide a brief summary of the company and its LBO transaction.
    2. Explain the justifications given for the companys decision to execute an LBO.
    3. Evaluate the impact of the LBO on the companys stakeholders, including its shareholders and employees.
    4. Assess whether the LBO was considered successful and explain why.
    5. Explain, based on your informed opinion and research, whether executing the LBO was a good decision.
    6. Review the 5.1 Exercise regarding the biblical perspective on debt. Evaluate the LBO strategy based on biblical principles and cite a Bible verse that supports your position.  
  3. Be sure to provide a detailed analysis and assessment that demonstrates your critical thinking and understanding of financial analysis. Your finished paper should be 500600 words in length and include at least three sources in addition to your biblical reference.
  4. Prepare your paper in Microsoft Word in a professional manner, using proper spelling, grammar, and APA style. Include a references list. Be sure to appropriately cite your sources for any commentary or analysis you rely upon.


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5.5 Assignment (50 Points)

This table lists criteria and criteria group name in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method.CriteriaLevel 4Level 3Level 2Level 1Criterion ScoreSummary of Transaction and Justifications10 points

You demonstrated clear, insightful critical thinking and provided a detailed response in summarizing the LBO transaction and its expected benefits.

9 points

You demonstrated competent critical thinking and provided a full response in summarizing the LBO transaction and its expected benefits.

8 points

You demonstrated competent critical thinking when you summarized the LBO transaction and its expected benefits.

7 points

(0-7 Points)

You demonstrated little to no critical thinking in summarizing the LBO transaction and its expected benefits.

Score of Summary of Transaction and Justifications,/ 10Impact and Success15 points

(14-15 Points)

You demonstrated clear, insightful critical thinking and provided a detailed response when you evaluated the impact of the LBO on stakeholders and assessed its success.

13 points

You demonstrated competent critical thinking and provided a full response when you evaluated the impact of the LBO on stakeholders and assessed its success.

12 points

(11-12 Points)

You demonstrated competent critical thinking when you evaluated the impact of the LBO on stakeholders and assessed its success.

10 points

(0-10 Points)

You demonstrated little to no critical thinking when you evaluated the impact of the LBO on stakeholders and assessed its success.

Score of Impact and Success,/ 15Evaluation of Decisions15 points

(14-15 Points)

Your evaluation of the executives decisions were clear, detailed, well-founded, and insightful. You supported your evaluation with a discerning biblical reference.

13 points

Your evaluation of the executives decisions were clear and well-founded. You supported your evaluation with an appropriate biblical reference.

12 points

(11-12 Points)

Your evaluation of the executives decisions had minor errors, were not entirely clear, or were not well-founded. You supported your evaluation with a biblical reference.

10 points

(0-10 Points)

Your evaluation of the executives decisions had serious errors, were unclear, or were unsupported. You failed to provide an appropriate biblical reference.

Score of Evaluation of Decisions,/ 15Writing Quality10 points

Your sentence structure is complete with correct spelling, punctuation, and capitalization and varied diction and word choices.

Your assignment length is correct with sources correctly cited.

9 points

Your sentence structure has minor errors (fragments, run-ons) with correct spelling, punctuation, and capitalization but limited diction and word choices.

Your assignment length is correct with sources correctly cited.

8 points

Your sentence structure has several errors in sentence fluency with multiple fragments/run-ons and poor spelling, punctuation, and/or word choice.

Your assignment length is inappropriate with several citation errors.

7 points

(0-7 Points)

Your sentence structure has serious and persistent errors in sentence fluency, sentence structure, spelling, punctuation, and/or word choice.

Your assignment length is inappropriate with several citation errors or sources are not cited.

Score of Writing Quality,/ 10Rubric Total ScoreTotal/ 50

Overall Score