vaccination debate

Vaccinations… for or against.  It is a dilemma for a parent, but also for health care professionals.  Please watch/listen to the following videos/audio regarding vaccinations.

How did the anti-vaccination movement begin? 1:58

Measles outbreak fuels vaccine debate. 2:45

Medical Anthropologist Explores ‘Vaccine Hesitancy’ 3:59
The Side Effects of Vaccines – How High is the Risk? 10:55

Question: In your opinion, does a parent’s decision to decline vaccination for his or her child constitute a lack of social responsibility?

What is expected from this discussion:

  1. Give your opinion on whether a parent’s decision to decline vaccination for his or her child constitutes a lack of social responsibility.
  2. Explain your answer
  3. Other posts will appear after your post is submitted.
  4. Read and comment on 2 other classmate’s posts.  It’s a heated topic, so remember the DISCUSSION BOARD ETIQUETTE!