SOCW 6520 Assignment: Week 5 Blog


SOCW 6520 Assignment: Week 5 Blog

Post a blog post that includes 300 to 500 words my field experience is going to be at Sound options in Tacoma Washington 

Consider the topics covered in this weeks resources and incorporate them into your blog.

Post a blog post that includes:

  • An explanation      of organizational policy in your field education experience

My field placement is at sound options in Tacoma Washington they provided me with Counseling Policies and procedures pdf which I uploaded with other resources. provided

Birkenmaier, J., & Berg-Weger, M. (2018). The practicum companion for social work: Integrating class and fieldwork (4th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.

Chapter 8, Social Work Practice in the Field: Working with Organizations, Communities, and Policy (pp. 186-206)