Educational Leadership


Before you begin, look back at the . What is the purpose of higher education? What is your role in our story?

The Higher Learning Commission is the accrediting agency for Maricopa Colleges. Although we are part of one district, each college seeks accreditation independently. Accreditation includes

  1. College Mission
  2. Integrity: Ethical and Responsible Conduct
  3. Teaching and Learning: Quality Resources, and Support
  4. Teaching and Learning: Evaluation and Improvement
  5. Institutional Effectiveness, Resources, and Planning

The Higher Learning Commission Advocacy Agenda provides a voice for HLC’s strategic directions on higher education issues at the federal and state levels. Review each section in the

Write a 1-page reflection paper.

  • What does it mean to use course material as a tool for social justice?
  • What can/does this look like in real life?
  • How will you encourage, empower, and equip your students to use their education to improve their lives while positively contributing to a more democratic and more just society?