Write about a novel (The Namesake Novel by Jhumpa Lahiri)

Part 1: 1/4 page
1) At the end of the novel, Gogol is by himself reading a book by his namesake. What point do you think the author, Jhumpa Lahiri, wants to make with this ending? Is Gogol destined for a life of loneliness like his namesake? If you had to re-write the ending of the novel, how would you change it? Based on the plot, do you think the author is in favor of arranged marriages or not? Why?

2) If you had to tell a friend about this novel, what would you say was most striking for you? Lessons learned? Most tragic moments? What will you remember most about this novel? Why?

Part 2: 3/4 page
The Namesake – Chapters 9 to 12 response