Double click here to put your name in the header.ABSTRACT AND STUDY ANALYSIS ASSIGNMENTAssignment InstructionsPlease first read ONLY the following abstract and then answer the six questions on the nextpage filling in the applicable answer next to each “Abstract Answer” notation.Berryman N Maurel D and Bosquet L. Effect of plyometric vs. dynamicweight training on the energy cost of running. J Strength Cond Res 24(7): 1818–1825 2010 — The purpose of this study is to compare the effects of 2 strengthtraining methods on the energy cost of running (Cr). Thirty-five moderately towell-trained male endurance runners were randomly assigned to either a controlgroup (C) or 2 intervention groups. All groups performed the same endurancetraining program during an 8-week period. Intervention groups added a weeklystrength training session designed to improve neuromuscular qualities. Sessionswere matched for volume and intensity using either plyometric training (PT) orpurely concentric contractions with added weight (dynamic weight training[DWT]). We found an interaction between time and group (p < 0.05) and aneffect of time (p < 0.01) for Cr. Plyometric training induced a larger decrease ofCr (218 16 to 203 13 mlkg-1km-1) than DWT (207 15 to 199 12 mlkg1km-1) whereas it remained unchanged in C. Pre–post changes in Cr werecorrelated with initial Cr (r = -0.57 p < 0.05). Peak vertical jump height(VJHpeak) increased significantly (p < 0.01) for both experimental groups (DWT= 33.4 6.2 to 34.9 6.1 cm PT = 33.3 4.0 to 35.3 3.6 cm) but not for C. Allgroups showed improvements (p < 0.05) in Perf3000 (C = 711 107 to 690 109seconds DWT = 755 87 to 724 77 seconds PT = 748 81 to 712 76seconds). Plyometric training were more effective than DWT in improvingCr in moderately to well-trained male endurance runners showing that athletesand coaches should include explosive strength training in their practices with aparticular attention on plyometric exercises. Future research is needed toestablish the origin of this adaptation.THEN after answering the “Abstract Answer” questions please read the full researchstudy which is available in the Assignment area and answer the six questions again fillingin the applicable answer next to each "Study Answer" notation.Finally please answer question #7 on the last page summarizing what you learned from thisAssignment. Double click here to put your name in the header.Abstract Analysis AssignmentQuestions & Abstract AnswersPlease Note: Even if the answers are the same please do NOT type "Same" in the “StudyAnswer” area. Please include a full written answer for each of the Abstract and Study Answers.Please remember to use complete sentences.1. (10 points). What was the purpose of this research study? (In your own words)Abstract Answer:2. (10 points). What was the independent variable?Abstract Answer:3. How many components were there to the independent variable?Abstract Answer:4. How were subjects assigned to levels of the independent variable?Abstract Answer:5. What were the dependent variables?Abstract Answer:6. What was the overall result of the study?Abstract Answer: