Data Visualization and Geographic Information Systems




Data Visualization and GIS Solutions (105 points)

Research digital dashboards Data Mashups that are available to  businesses. In a paper, summarize the range of solutions available with  examples of how they might be utilized. Then conduct some research and  identify an organization that has adopted one of these software  solutions. Briefly describe the organization, and then answer the  following questions:

  • What technology (or technologies) is the organization using?
  • Which business units utilize the data presented by the technology?
  • What does the technology provide to the organization? What benefits does it offer and/or what problems does it solve?
  • Explain the present and future impacts of such a technology from a business perspective.
  • Identify areas in which the organization might expand or improve  upon using the technology. Explain what they could do and why they  should do it.

Your well-written report should be 4-5 pages in length, not  including the title and reference pages. Use  APA style guidelines, citing at least  two references, as appropriate. Review the grading rubric to see how you  will be graded for this assignment.



  • Chapter 11 in Information Technology for Management: On-Demand Strategies for Performance, Growth, and Sustainability
  • Juan Ling, Yuanfang Wu, & Jiabao Ding. (2019). . Nature Environment & Pollution Technology, 18(5), 15491554.