Think Piece


Think Piece 2

Helpful Hint: The Essay 2 Powerpoint(ATTACHED) provides clear examples of structure for this Think Piece and Essay 2.  Make sure to check that out! NOTE: HERE ARE THE 2 ASSIGNED POEM LINKS:


  1. Create a document that has a working thesis and two body paragraphs that analyze how a common theme in two poems assigned during our poetry unit are enhanced through one specific literary device (setting, symbol, metaphor, historical context, etc.). See the Essay 2 PPT for an actual sample of what this would look like.
  2. At the end of your 2 paragraphs, write 2 questions on which you want someone to provide feedback after they have read your draft. Avoid yes/or no questions, or the reviewer is free to simply answer yes or no

Suggested Structure

1) Include the thesis sentence: (Literary Device 1) and (Literary Devise 2) are demonstrated in both poem A and B to demonstrate (Theme X).

2) For the body paragraphs:

  • Include a clear topic sentence (“One literary element that poem A and B contain is ____.”)
  • Discuss how the element is demonstrated in Poem A. Provide textual support. Analyze and connect the textual support to the common theme.
      ***New Paragraph***
  • Include a transition sentence to analysis of the same literary element in Poem B (“Similarly, Poem B demonstrates the same literary element ____.”)
  • Discuss how the element is demonstrated in Poem B. Provide textual support. Analyze and connect the textual support to the common theme.
  • Discuss how the two poems work together to demonstrate the theme.

(300+ words)