Need by 5:30 pm EST Saturday PSYC 157: Psychology & The Good Life



In this research project, your aim is to hack yourself in order to form healthier habits. You will have to design, run, and write up a self-improvement project based on what youve learned in class. Its basically like running a scientific experiment on yourself! As you think about your design and write up, you must stick closely to the  we provide for thinking about how to design and write up a scientific experiment. There are 3 main steps in this project:

  1. Project Proposal (You are here): Youll start by proposing what youll do to hack your habits. You need to first think about a new habit you can try in your own life that (one that is based on what you learned in class it should be either a rewirement or one of the PSYCHPROTIPs you learned about in class). Your goal is to pick something that you think will boost your mood based on the evidence. Youll then measure your mood directly via a validated psychological instrument (PANAS). 
  2. Project Checkpoints. Youll have several project checkpoints where you get to implement your intervention from Step 1 and submit weekly progress reports that detail how often you did the new behavior you proposed, some documentation that you actually did it, and your PANAS mood score.
  3. Project Summary: Write up the results of your intervention project in a project summary, as though you were writing a scientific paper. But dont worry, well help you through the process.