Individual Project proposal

Produce an IPP (Individual Project Proposal) based on the product selected which is a PillCam (Capsule Endoscopy): The proposal should consist of the following:
1.    Title

2.    Key words

3.    Introduction and context description: about the product

4.    Evidence of requirements: Why is what you are proposing needed?

5.    Problem definition: What is the problem you are trying to solve?

6.    Aims: the finishing line!

7.    Objectives: 4 or 5 achievement hurdles

8.    Methods chosen for project implementation: Describe alternative methods and why you have chosen  your particular method (eg: C++ vs Vbasic)

9.    Brief product description: our project may not  involve a productcould be testing a hypothesis

10.    Deliverables:Aside from a report..  what other deliverables are going to be there.

11.    Outcome/product evaluation/testing approach: whatever you do (D3), you need to evaluate it (D4)

12.    Resources: what physical and/or other resources will  you need to provide?

13.    References- Harvard referencing
Also must include features that you would add to make the product better and what resources will you use to do that in terms of making the product, coding it, etc.