HR manager

You are the HR Manager of a 50 employee organization.  You have decided that the jobs need to be evaluated because the company has seen significant changes in its product line, service delivery and is facing new competition.

How do you explain this to your employees to avoid any unwarranted suspicion?  Prepare a memo to the employees providing as much detail as needed.  Post the memo as a reply to this post.

Ok, now that the memo has been sent out to all employees, the work begins.  The union representing a majority of the employees has now reached out to you for clarification of the employers intent for the use of the study it intends to conduct.  You are scheduled to meet with the Union Representative Team to explain your intentions and the process.

Prepare an agenda of the major and key parts of the process and what the intended outcomes will be?  It would be great if you could prepare this as a power point (or similar presentation package) presentation. If not, just a reply to this post. If you prepare as a word document, please copy and past rather than as an attachment. 

In addition, prepare a few FAQ that you can anticipate being asked and what the response would be.