Critical Thinking : week 2

 Critical Thinking : week 2

1. When we travel or work abroad, we tend to be perceived  not so much as individuals but as members of racial,  ethnic, or national groups. For example, when visiting  Europe, Americans can expect to be questioned on U. S.  foreign policy, military actions, and economic influence.  How can you ensure that you function as an effective  ambassador of your country when working and traveling  overseas? 

 2. A stereotype is an oversimplified perception of a  behavioral pattern or characteristic applied to entire  groups. For example, the Swiss are hardworking, efficient,  and neat; Germans are formal, reserved, and blunt;  Americans are loud, friendly, and impatient; Canadians are  polite, trusting, and tolerant; Asians are gracious, humble,  and inscrutable. In what way are such stereotypes  harmless or harmful?

 3. It is quite natural to favor ones own country over a foreign  one. To what extent can ethnocentrism be considered a  normal reaction, and when could it become destructive  and unproductive? Provide examples to support your  answer. 

4. Some economists and management scholars argue  that statements such as diversity is an economic asset or diversity is a new strategic imperative are unproved  and perhaps unprovable assertions. Should social  responsibility or market forces determine whether an  organization strives to create a diverse workforce? Why?  

 5. Ethical Issue: You know that its not acceptable to make  ethnic jokes, least of all in the workplace, but a colleague  of yours keeps invoking the worst ethnic and racial  stereotypes. How do you respond? Do you remain silent  and change the subject, or do you speak up? What other  options do you have in dealing with such a coworker?  Consider whether your answer would change if the  offender were your boss 

Instructions to write:
APA format, citations and references with 300 words