Continuous Monitoring (Due 9 April) (5 Pages) (5 References)


1) APA 6th Ed format (to include introduction and conclusion)

2) Due 9 April

3) 5 Pages minimum (not including title page and APA references)

4) Minimum of 5 References (including the 3 provided/uploaded)

5) Plagiarism-Free

Background/Required Reading:

Continuous monitoring is a critical part of the risk management process. “Continuous monitoring is ongoing observance with intent to provide warning. A continuous monitoring capability is the ongoing observance and analysis of the operational states of systems to provide decision support regarding situational awareness and deviations from expectations.” Source: Keith Willett (MITRE) in support of the National Security Agency.

“Information Security Continuous Monitoring (ISCM) is defined as maintaining ongoing awareness of information security, vulnerabilities, and threats to support organizational risk management decisions.” NIST.

Organizations should establish, implement, and maintain ISCM. ISCM should be a recursive process as its monitoring strategy is continually refined so that ISCM is a robust system. Tiered organization-wide ISCM framework and dynamic ISCM processes are proposed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Please scan through the important framework and processes in the following article. Its Appendix D “Technologies for Enabling ISCM” provides some technical and managerial details and examples.


NIST (2011). Information Security — Information Security Continuous Monitoring (ISCM) for Federal Information Systems and Organizations. National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-137. (attached/uploaded) 

Oniha, A., Weaver, G., Arnold, C. and Shreck, T. (2017). Information security continuous monitoring. Journal of Cyber Security and Information Systems. 5(1).

Mell, P., Waltermire, D., Feldman, L., Booth, H., Ouyang, A., Ragland, Z., & McBride, T. (2012). CAESARS framework extension: an enterprise continuous monitoring technical reference model (attached Uploaded)


After reviewing the above materials, write a 5-page essay to answer the following question: How does an organization systematically conduct risk assessments of information systems security risks?

In addition, answer/address the following topics:

The importance of risk management for information systems security

The principles and fundamentals of risk management of information system security

The methods of risk assessments including processes, matrix, calculations, etc. (include an example matrix)

The challenges and solutions to risk assessments that are particularly interesting to you