Essay assginment


This is your first essay. All you need to do is choose one of the following questions to respond to in essay form, meaning you should have an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The thesis should be in the first paragraph, consist of only one sentence, and should be the last sentence of the first paragraph.  Please use MLA style for poetry. You can find an example of an MLA style essay (but not a poetry essay) by going to LaGuardias Library website (see next page for details). The essay should be minimally 800 words and not use any outside sources as I am only interested in your lovely thoughts about these poems. Remember, in English, there is no such thing as a “right” or “wrong” answer. You should have fun and be daring in your responses! 

you can submit it as a Google Doc. If you submit it as a Google Doc, you will have to email me the link, and dont forget to allow me access to edit your document. No PDFs please as I cannot put my comments on them. Please note the bolded words are the criteria for the assignment. 

You can choose any poem starting from the Sex and Love section though the Social Consciousness section (pages 9-149). Dont use any of the poems under the Concrete Poetry section. You may not use any poetry outside of the booklet.   

1. For two or three of the poems, what types of figurative language used in each poem? Please be specific and give examples to support your assertions.

2. For two or three of the poems, what is voice of the character speaking (for example, a young girl, an old man)?  Explain how you reach your conclusions. Please be specific and give examples to support your assertions. 

3. From any of the poems, compare and contrast two poems on the same subject. How are they similar and how are they different? Please be specific and give examples to support your assertions. 

4. For two of the poems, what is the type or types of love exhibited? Please be specific and give examples to support your assertions.