Corporate Social Responsibility / Two one page Questions and One Long Question

Question 1 (300 words One reference)

It is important for organizations to adjust their businesses to address the needs of the marketplace to survive the change. In todays dynamic business environment organizations need to look for efficient strategies to have a competitive advantage and grow. Organizational Development (OD) is playing an increasingly important role in global social change.

You learned various numbers of models of organizational change. Assuming that the organization(Uber) to study needs to change because of an initiative by one or more of its stakeholders. 

 Please identify the model that you think is best suitable for the organization. 

 Justify your choice 

 What is the impact on implementing organizational change?

Question 2:  Discussion Question (PDQ directed at upcoming PA)

Prior to reading this DQ, please read the assignment below and understand what the assignment is asking you to complete. Once you have an understanding of the assignment, please continue to the paragraph below to complete DQ1.

Using the Library Information Resource Network (LIRN), JSTOR, or any other electronic journal database, research eight (8) peer-reviewed articles that can be used to answer your upcoming PA2 assignment. Your discussion should summarize the articles in such a way that it can justify any arguments you may present in your PA2 assignment and should be different from the abstract. In addition to your researched peer-reviewed article, you must include an example of the article researched as it is applied by industry (company, business entity, and so forth).

Please note: This article summary should not be the only article researched for your PA2 assignment. You may (and should) have several other articles researched to fully answer your PA2 assignment. The concept of this DQ is to allow students to be proactive in the research necessary to complete this assignment. You may use your article summary, partially or in its entirety in your PA2 assignment.

Important: Please ensure that your reference for the article is in correct APA format, as your reference in your discussion post. Depending on which electronic database you use, you should see a Cite selection for your article. In addition, there should be a variety of articles summarized and as such, students should have different articles summarized. Your summary MUST include ALL of the following in your DQ post (include every item in the bullet list below, or you will not receive full credit):

Do these in order:

 In correct APA format, write the Reference of the article.

 Clearly state what the article is about and its purpose.

 Describe how you will use it in your upcoming assignment.

 Repeat for a total of eight (8) peer-reviewed sources.

Question 3: Professional Assignment 2 (three pages, 8 references)

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has gained a new significance in todays competitive world and has extended the involvement of organizations into society. Many companies demonstrated their commitment toward acceptable conduct by adopting globally recognized principles emphasizing social responsibilities. CSR attracts increasingly significant government attention and funding in some countries. 

 Do you believe that CSR is driven by desire or by coercion to enhance the organizational brand reputation, credibility and trustworthiness?

 Please describe your knowledge in Leaders ability to promote CSR through organizational learning? 

 Choose a Multinational Corporation (take Uber as an example) and explain how CSR is conceived, practiced and implemented? 

 What organizational skills and knowledge learned from OD can be used to help different companies, such as international, global, multinational, transnational, operate in multiple countries?