Discussion post

Chapter 8: An issue we commonly face in courses and throughout life is social loafing. Although we like to think about academics when it comes to this issue, we know it transcends further than that.  Most of us will continue to work in groups throughout life (in your careers, families, etc.).  For this post I want you to do the following:

1).  I’d like you to discuss social loafing.  What does the research say about this concept? Why does it occur? How can we prevent it? Be brief in your discussion.

2). Think of an example of a time when a group activity went really well and everyone did their equal share.  What went right? 

3).  Reflect on a time when you didn’t do your equal share. What caused you to engage in social loafing?

4).  If you were in charge of a project, what would you do to ensure social loafing does not occur?